When we moved out to our Papalote Homestead in September 2004, it didn't take a genius to realize we had a lot of work ahead of us. The trees were surrounded in over-grown brush and every crevice along the porches were filled with spiders, webs and who knows what else. Much to our dismay, the huge banana spiders did not move out with the previous owners. We started by eradicating the spiders and later moved onto the trees. We knew how bad it had gotten when neighbors stopped to thank us for cleaning up the place.
We have many beautiful trees out here on our ten acres - oaks and mesquites mostly. One tree in particular is our favorite though. The one that grows between the house and the garage. A big, beautiful oak. When it is time to give her a trim, it is a team effort. I would imagine most hubby's just go out and trim the trees, but my sweet guy and I do this task together. I have to give my "ok" before he will sever the branches from the tree. It's quite funny really, the way we go about it. The first time he trimmed it without me I threw a "fit" over him "scalping" the tree. When in the end, he really did just what the tree needed. Since that day though, he asks for my "help." ;o)
So, that was our day today. Trimming the giant oak. In the process we have some adorable pictures to share.
And one of Randy peeking from within the cut down branches.
And here's Johnny working hard.
Who would have thought that a day of tree trimming could turn into somewhat of an emotional one. You see, there were a couple of HUGE, lower branches. They were beautiful, but they were no longer a beneficial contributor to the overall well-being of the tree. They were basically sticking out like sore thumbs and their branches were about to cause damage to the garage roof. There was quite a bit of haggling over whether or not to finally take the plunge and chop them off because doing so would change the whole composition of the tree. It would then only have several large branches growing vertically and the one's going out horizontally from the tree would be gone.
Not only was changing the form of the tree a big deal, but we realized that letting go of one of those lower branches meant removing something that was part of Caleb's early years. For, still hanging from the thickest part of that branch were two pieces of rope. Two pieces of rope that used to hold his baby swing allowing it to hang free from the tree. We knew it was best to let go and let our tree be healthier, so the decision was made and down they came.
You can see the rope if you look closely...
I closed my eyes for a second and what did I see? My sweet baby boy enjoying his swing..., laughing and pointing at us. Ah, the sweet memories...
A quick shake of the head and I was back to the present, watching Caleb try to remove the rope from the fallen tree branch. "Mom, can you help me?" he asked. For him it was a newfound prize, another treasure to put in the back of his Gator. Or torture Honey with. One never knows what a 5-year-old will do with a 12-inch piece of rope. That remains to be seen.
I'm normally the one behind the scenes, the photographer who is rarely in the pictures. Today I made it a point to get someone to take my picture.
This might be one of my favorites since Honey decided to sit with me and she was actually being a good puppy. Check out the green gloves! No, they are not gloves meant to warm your hands, they are gardening gloves. With all the tree branches to be moved I figured I needed something to protect my hands a little. They go quite well with my Aggie jacket don't you think? Let's pretend they are maroon and say, "Gig 'Em!" on the sides, okay?
There was a lot of hard work going on today from cutting the branches to hauling them off to the burn pile in the pasture. But first, here's a cute picture of Honey bounding through all the branches on the ground. Love the action shot that has her ears flying upwards. You can even see our old girl in the background, Penny as she comes towards us also.
After moving all the fallen brush together into one spot it formed one humongous pile! That will surely make an awesome bonfire someday. But alas that will have to be another day when the weather is more accommodating. Windy days and bonfires do not go hand-in-hand.
So, the tree trimming is done for today. We have many more than need reshaping. I'm not entirely certain when we'll get around to those. I am certain that none of them hold the memory that this one did. While it was just a tree, it continues to be a special one to us. I take great comfort in remembering that God created the tree for us and that He knew one day Caleb would ride his swing in that tree, and He knew we'd be faced with the notion of trimming it from time to time. We are in charge of caring for all that He has given us after all. But, more importantly, we are to follow Him, be more like Him, and for doing so we will prosper. Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Psalm 1:1-3
So, let's follow Him and remember Him in all we do. Even if it's just when trimming trees.