Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge him,and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gummies Anyone?

A few weeks ago Caleb and I were at Target, which happens to be one of FAVORITE stores.  I can go into Target for one item and leave with a basket full!  Much to Johnny's dismay, I'm sure.  I was on a mission that day, looking for Christmas wrappings for my goodies.  While we perused Target's "grocery" and Christmas foods section I found my goodie bags AND lo and behold - - a kit to make your own gummies!!  Can you believe such a thing is possible?  I was surprised yet intrigued because anyone who knows Caleb knows that gummies are one of his favorite snacks.  "Cars" gummies, "Toy Story" gummies, "Batman" gummies, and so on.  His favorite part of grocery shopping is being able to be pick out his gummies.  So, for $4.99, Caleb and I would have a fun project for a "rainy" day -- - we would make OUR OWN gummies!

In just a matter of days, Caleb reminded me that we had a gummy project to do.  So, up onto the counter he climbed, (yes, I stood right there so everyone, please be assured he was safe.)  We mixed the powder packet with the tiniest bit of water.  We used the microwave a little bit, and then we sprayed the snowman mold with "Pam", poured in the gummy product and placed the tray into the freezer.  He was so excited he couldn't stand it!

It was to chill in the freezer for only ten minutes.  I'm sure to a five-year-old that felt like an hour, but we set the kitchen timer and waited.  When the timer went off, Caleb couldn't wait to see the little red snowmen as they popped out of the mold and into his bowl. 

But alas, anyone who knows Caleb also knows that things have to be just right.   He always seems to have a vision in his head and if things don't go just how he's expecting then life takes a serious ride through grumpyville.   One look at our hard work setting in the bottom of the bowl and his brow wrinkled and his shoulders slumped.  For the "Pam" we used made the gummies appear - "Gooey," according to him.  

On went an entire discussion how they were NOT gooey, just shinier than the gummies we buy at HEB.  I nibbled one myself to be assured it wasn't gooey, and no it was not.  Just a sweet, cherry flavor waiting to be enjoyed.  I tried to convince him that he would surely like it if he would just try it.  He walked way.

I think it took Caleb nearly an hour to finally try one and then he only ate two or three.  The rest sat there....sad, little snowmen, feeling quite unloved.  

Have you ever felt like a sad, unloved snowman?  I think at one time or another we've all felt that way.  Rest assured that even when we think the world is against us and no one loves us we couldn't be more wrong.  For GOD loves us!  Each and every one of us.  We are unique individuals made by Him.  He knew before we did that we'd take those occasional rides through grumpyville.  He's okay with that.  He just wants us to remember to love Him while we're there.

Til next time...

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