Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge him,and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, September 29, 2012

3rd Soccer Game

Today's game ended with a score of 6-2.   I'm so proud of Caleb.  He played his best game ever.  We can thank Uncle Harold for that.  Caleb woke up this morning worried about playing in the mud.  Uncle Harold told him it would be his best game ever because no one would know what way he was going, except himself.

Here's our MVP scoring his 1st goal of the game.......I loved watching his fist pump when he would score a goal!

 Here's Caleb on a "drive" down the field.  The little girl behind him had a great game, too.  She scored two of the teams goals!!  And she said she didn't want to play in the mud.  There's just something about it being okay to play in the mud and knowing you're not gonna get in trouble when it's over!  Ha ha!!

Look at that mud!!  There were some places that the ball would just splat and not even roll!!

My muddy guy!!  Look at that smile!

He even had mud on his face!!

Lots of mud and water, but the kids seemed to really have a ball.  

Til next weeks game!  
God bless,

Momma Pam

Saturday, September 22, 2012

2nd Soccer Game of the Season

Soccer game #2 is behind us.  If you go by the score, no, the Rattlers did not win.  The score was something like 4 or 5 or maybe 6 to 1.   But, if you go by the amount of effort and heart put into a game, well, then they won hands-down.  

I'm not a parent to fuss and complain when my child loses.  I'm disappointed for them, but sometimes we win in life and sometimes we lose.  And honestly, team sports are tough.  It will be a rare day that we play against all honest, God-fearing people.   In this game he played against a really tough team.  They were a little bigger and seemed a bit more experienced.  Nothing wrong with any of that.  I would normally say that is a good time for character building and is an opportunity to learn more of the game.   I just wish those kiddos' played a little more fairly.  And it might have helped if we'd had a referee with a little more experience.  

With all that said......I am very proud of how our kids handled themselves.   They ran their little hearts out.   Unfortunately, our referee wasn't clear on how to keep the time for the game and our little soccer players played a 45 minute first half, with a short break in between the quarters, and then an 8 minute or so second half.  They entire game was supposed to last about 45 minutes.  They were red-faced and completely exhausted.

So, here are some high-light's from the game.  Oh, I think I forgot to mention that the one goal our team did score was made by Caleb!!  Yeah!!  GO CALEB!!

Here is a photo just before scored.  He's there on the left side of the photo.....He zipped on around and kicked the prettiest kick and the ball went straight into the goal.  Ummm, well, camera went down and into my lap because I was too busy cheering, so I did not capture the goal itself.

Until Saturday next,


Friday, September 21, 2012

Homecoming 2012

This year Randy was selected to be Beau for the Drama Club at his high school, Tuloso Midway.  His counterpart was Sweetheart, Katherine Messer.  He was very proud to be a part of the homecoming activities in this way.

The pre-game homecoming activities were followed by the football game and then the marching band gave an exceptional performance of their half-time show.

I'm very proud of Randy and all he manages to accomplish. When he looks back on his high school years I pray that he can remember them fondly.  I love you Randy!!

Love and blessings,


Sunday, September 16, 2012

More Babies on the Ranch

We added two donkeys to our menagerie of animals on the ranch a short while back.  One of which was pregnant when she came to us.   Her name was Luna.  We had no idea when Luna's baby would arrive, but we knew it would be soon as she was looking really large.  Unbeknownst to us, she had the little one Saturday afternoon.  All of a sudden, there it was.  Scrawny little thing....And very much the softest nose/fur I've ever felt.  Momma came to the fence to smell my hand so the little one followed and I was able to have a quick touch.  We haven't had a clear view of whether or not this little one is a boy or girl, but from the quick peeks we've managed to grab as she whips her tail around we're guessing girl for now.  I'll update once we have a confirmation.  :)



Saturday, September 8, 2012

2012 Soccer Season is Underway

I can't believe this years' soccer season is underway already.  The team, otherwise known as the Rattlers, had their first practice on a Thursday with a scrimmage game the very next Saturday.   Not a lot of notice, but they held themselves really well and closed out their first game with a tie of 3-3, or maybe it was 4-4.  Either way, they tied and were very excited about that.  No high-shooting scores like last year.

These photos are from their first game.  I had to use my cell phone as my camera wouldn't charge up properly.  Caleb is the one in the black shorts and the blue shirt, and I believe he is wearing the white socks.  His team wore blue shirts and the opposing team wore lime green.

Caleb was a bit disappointed to learn that daddy would not be coach this year.  Apparently, the league only had enough kids signed up for 4 teams and they had enough volunteers for coaches.   So, daddy gets to be a spectator this year.  We have two coaches, Mr. Terhune (CC's local weatherman) and his assistant, who I have not yet learned the name.  All the kids seem to be enjoying the season so far.  As in previous years' tradition, his best friend Ella is on his team as well.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ohio Company

A sweet friend of mine, Sonya from Ohio, came to visit for a few days.  I met her via an on-line community for ladies/mommas.   I've known Sonya for over eight years now.  After Johnny and I had Caleb, Sonya was one of the first people I called from the hospital to share the news.  We've become close friends and talk frequently via email.  I flew to visit her last March, two months after she lost her husband in a tragic car accident.  I felt compelled to check on my dear friend.  After meeting her, she wanted to come to Texas.  It was a dream of her husband's, to visit Texas some day.  She full-filled his dream by coming to meet my family.

Johnny was off of work on the Monday she was here and we asked him to drive us around for the typical touristy type stuff.

We rode the ferry in Port Aransas, but unfortunately did not see any dolphins that day.

Stood in the big shark's mouth.  Haha!

Walked along the beach, sticking our toes in the water.

Caleb was near the end of his 2nd bout of strep throat.  He wasn't excited to get in dad's truck and drive around for a day, but he did his best to have fun.

Sonya wrote this in the sand.  I had a picture of her writing it, but well, it sorta had a side view of her back-side and I wasn't sure she'd appreciate me plastering that on my blog.

This is what I believe to be Caleb's first time to stand in a sand dune.  He was a bit excited and tolerated the heat on his feet quite well.

A few of these pictures are shots I took for Sonya since she accidentally left her SD card out of her camera and couldn't take pictures of her trip.

We fit in a few rounds of Bananagrams and had a great time!

This was already the day to go home.  Caleb and I drove her to San Antonio so she could catch her flight at the airport.  But, we spent a little bit of time on the River Walk first.

We had lunch at an Italian restaurant and Caleb was finally his old self.  He was so polite to the waiter and even ate all his food USING his fork instead of his fingers.  Sonya saw a bit of the cute personality he has instead of the sick little boy he was for the first 3 days she was here.

Our time went by fast and we can't wait until another chance to spend some time together.  Until then, please be in prayer for my dear friend.  Each day is a new day and facing the challenges that present themselves from losing a spouse are a bit much some days.  She is a Christian and I know personally she would covet any prayers said on her behalf.

God bless,
