Paths. Each day we have the choice of which path to take. Or, if you want to think of it this way, we're faced with various, random decisions, of which each response we make takes us in a different direction. None of us are perfect, far from it to be sure. We take the right paths and sometimes we take the wrong paths. One thing is for certain, as Christians and believers in Christ we are encouraged to take the path that God has chosen for us. One of the things we want as Christian, is to always be in His will.
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.'" Isaiah 30:21
Unlike the animals with their creatures of habit behavior, we need to avoid becoming one ourselves. If we do the same thing, day in and day out, keeping a form of tunnel vision, we might miss an amazing opportunity that God has set aside just for us. God wants us to step out into the unknown. To think outside the box. To be His hands and feet. We can't do that if we're so focused on that small piece of ground right in front of us, placing just one foot in front of other on a place that we've worn out because it's so familiar. Just as our cows do, walking along those paths they've traveled many times before.
We must always be listening for God's direction, for the path He wants us to take. Whether we are to remain steadfast in one direction or take the opposite fork in the road should be a decision we make after consulting Him. It's up to us to stay in His word, in daily prayer, and with our ears open. If I were to be known as creature of habit, I would want it only to be because I'm constantly in my bible and consulting the Great Counselor for His wisdom. We need to keep God close to us, constantly listening for Him. For if we don't do these things, we will never know if we ARE on the right path.
So listen for the command from the One to guide you in a new direction. Listen and obey and you are sure to be blessed.
Walking with the King,
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