Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge him,and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection Sunday 2013

Easter was at the Parker's this year and I did my best to take some photo's of the kids having a great time.  Not always easy as they were constantly on the move.  They really seemed to enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt and the Confetti Eggs, but I think they honestly just had a good time being with each other for a few hours.  

It really meant a lot to me to have everyone here.  And I'm sure I can speak for the group when I say we really missed Mom and Dad.  They were in Wisconsin for my Grandpa Win's 95th birthday.  While we really missed them, they did a good thing by going up there to see him.  Not everyone is pictured here.  I didn't think the adults wanted me to focus on them very much.  :)   A few made it into the background though, and if I did get a good picture of you, it's here.  

Group photo of all the kids.  
Another group shot of the kids. 
Caleb hunting for eggs.
No, Adi is not into Elmo.  Grandma Pam had to find a basket for her to hunt eggs with and so we borrowed Chev's. 
Hudson, trying to find all his eggs.
Honey, pestering Aaron and his friend, James, who joined us for the festivities.
My sweet daughter-in-law holding Chev, who really didn't feel good that day.
My precious granddaughter.  Can't believe how fast she's growing up.   
Caleb with his smashed up nose.  Poor guy.  He walked into the side of a wood plank while helping dad with the barn.  He wouldn't let me take a picture of it.  But, I think with all the Easter fun going on, he didn't think about it.  Hee hee.
Chev just eating the box....what?  We're supposed to smash these? 
Caleb and Sami making sure Honey gets a bit of confetti egg smashed on her head also.
My little mess, oops, I mean, my little niece, Samantha (Sami).  Doesn't she have the sweetest smile ever?!?
Someone looks like they are up to "something."
My little love's....they do my heart good.

It was such a blessed Resurrection Sunday.  We all enjoyed all the Easter fun, but rest assured, all the kiddo's know what the meaning of "Easter" is really all about....

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