Unfortunately, it seems the organizers are running a little bit behind the 8-Ball and we just received the names of our players with only a little over 1 week until our first game. Not sure what's going on there, but we will definitely do the best we can.
Here are some pictures from our first practice:
At his ten day followup, the doctor told Johnny he wanted him to spend some time outside and start to get a little more active. Do you think this is what he had in mind? All kidding aside, Johnny was very careful and did more talking to the kiddo's than anything. It was so cute to see one of the little boys shake his hand and say, "hello coach." ;o)
Enjoy this photo of my Johnny in his neck brace because I've done my best to put away my paparazzi aspirations in this process of Johnny's surgery and recovery and there will not likely be another photo posted. Anyone who blogs know what I mean when I say that a blogger is always thinking of things they can blog to share with others. In the same regard, a smart blogger knows when an idea might be crossing the line. The first week after surgery was a very difficult one and really not something I would ever post about. So, enjoy this one when my dear hubby is past the difficult parts and very much on the mend.
Here is a very excited Caleb who jumped right into soccer practice and completely wore himself out before practice was over!! I'm sure you notice he is in a uniform. That is last years uniform. He was so excited, that was ALL he would wear to practice.
These two seriously crack me up. Just like two little adults discussing something ever so serious.
Here is a picture of the team, less two players unable to show to the first practice, performing a drill Johnny found off the internet. That's my Johnny. Not much experience with soccer so he did his research to at least be somewhat prepared for practice.
Well, there you go for now....Next practice is on the 26th and our first game is on the 1st. So, this proud, paparazzi mama will have more pictures to share in the near future.
Walking with the King,
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