But, what happens to those kids in need when the weekend comes around? What happens when they are missing a father from their life and their mother is an absent role model? Or vice versa. And what about the ones who are completely left to fend for themselves and food sources are scarce or non-existent?
These kids go hungry that's what happens. My heart breaks at the notion of starving children. We've all seen the commercials on TV that tug on your heart strings. And many times we turn the channel, because that's a long way away, or we don't have $30 a month to spare, or any number of other reasons that are unique to our situation.
A need was presented to one of the local churches in Sinton. My brother, Rick, attends this church and when he heard about the needs of these children he was deeply touched. He said this was a need that spoke directly to him and told him to get off his butt and do something! He wasn't the only one at his church that was touched either. Rick felt called to do something about this and reached out to my church for assistance.
No one has an endless pile of funds available to save the world. But, if we each have a little bit that we can add to the pile, it can be enough to make a difference.
Packs for Pups is starting small with only 5 children on the list. And that's okay, but I have a vision that this ministry will grow in a way we can't even imagine. We aren't allowed to know who they are. Our churches are going to be silent partners in this ministry. For now, backpacks will be filled on Friday's and sent home with children that need them. They will return those same backpacks on Monday where they will be filled again for the following weekend. So on, and so forth.
What will come of this ministry? It remains to be seen. Our God is a big God and who knows the miracles that can come from this. I'm expecting big ones!! He is the one telling us to care for those in need and we as His followers need to obey....
When you harvest the crops of your land, do not harvest the grain along the edges of your fields, and do not pick up what the harvesters drop. It is the same with your grape crop -- do not strip every last bunch of grapes from the vines, and do not pick up the grapes that fall to the ground. Leave them for the poor and the foreigners living among you. I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:9-10
I look forward to updating you on the blessings received as a result of this ministry.
Walking with the King,
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