Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge him,and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, July 30, 2012

First Day of School

It's already that time of year again!  First day of school...

For Randy that was July 23rd.  He is in public school and attends TM.  He was very proud to have lettered last year in Drama.

One serious.

And one with a cheeky grin.

For Caleb the first day of school was July 30th and had more of a relaxed feel.....Homeschool it is for us.

Here he is holding his Frog Habitat.  While that is not on our specific agenda for homeschool, it is something we've had sitting here waiting to do.  The Hopkins Family gave it to him last year.  We never got around to ordering tadpoles.  But, I mentioned it and he got all excited.  So, it's now on our list of things to do.

Standing up by his desk.  Ought to be fun watching him get taller here.

And one of teacher and student together.

Looking forward to a blessed year!!

Educating in Christ,


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oh So Sick....

Some households just have those times where everyone keeps getting sick.  We're probably one of those homes that gets sick more often than others.  We picked the unlucky straw I guess.

July 10th through the 16th was a really bad week for us.  Caleb started to get sick while at the zoo and rapidly declined each day after.  A trip to the doctor told us he had tonsillitis and that quickly turned into strep throat.  We had a very sick little man on our hands.  On Saturday, July 14th his fever spiked on us and I thought a trip to the ER was in our near future.  But, along with cool towels and fever med's we were able to bring his fever down.

It wasn't until Tuesday, July 17th, that Caleb finally started acting more like himself....It's my prayer that we can stay far away from another illness that affects us like this.  Praising God for healing and recovering, even if it was slow.



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

San Antonio Zoo

Our trip to the San Antonio Zoo was a hot, but very fun day.  Looking back on it, I'm certain Caleb was already getting sick as he just wasn't himself that day.  He really tried to have fun.

My three youngest kiddo's.

Caleb with little Aiden.  Our sweet family friend and my adopted grandson.

Totally blown away by this.  Sleeping and balancing on one leg.  Only God could create a creature that could do that.....

Lucy and Aiden feeding the fish.  One fish kernel at at time.  ;o)

Caleb and Aiden sitting on a hot metal hippo's.  Of course, not too hot yet or they wouldn't be sitting there.  LOL

The alligator exhibit had a session telling us all about alligators.  Of course, one of Caleb's favorite things.

Feeling alligator teeth on a skull.

Used Randy to show how alligators use the rolling technique to capture their prey...

Petting zoo!  Cool for little one's.

And bigger and big one's too!

Let's feed the birds nectar.  This will be fun.

Okay - we're getting a little friendly here....

Ummm, someone, anyone, help!  Love how her faee changes...heeheh

I think I had four birds on me at once one time.  They love that nectar.

Precious....Caleb just loves to help, especially when it comes to his little buddy, Aiden.  

Smiling boys.

Allie making fun of the hippo hiney's....then we laughed at her belly in the picture.

Definitely eyeing Caleb.  Wanting food?  Not sure, but he knew he was there.

Let's cool off a little.

What a fun day!  Everyone was hot, but for most of the day it was quite doable.  Just go with the notion that you will be hot and miserable, and anytime you don't feel that way will feel like a blessing!  A slight breeze and occasional cloud cover sure saved our day!  

